Ben winetraub 6 000 000 holocaust
Ben winetraub 6 000 000 holocaust

Leviticus 25:10 actually teaches 'You shall return minus 6 million. And not only that, but they have made it illegal in many countries to question the mystical figure six million with scientific facts, and have censored every voice telling the truth about discrepancies in the figures. (Please refer to Ben Weintraub's 'The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism.' 1995). And just coincidentally, they took Palestine right after Hitler did his deeds. Not only that, but he supposedly gave them the 6,000,000 corpse tally they needed for their god's green light to genocide the Palestinians and take their country.

ben winetraub 6 000 000 holocaust

Roma are pejoratively referred to as Zigeuner in German and as Gypsies in English. Now, they would have us believe that it was just a mere coincidence that shortly after they predicted 6 million Jews would die in Eastern Europe while holding to the prophecy that the Jews would only return minus 6 million, a Bolshevik blow-hard named Adolf Hitler rose from nowhere to rule Germany after infiltrating the counter-revolutionary DAP shortly after the assassination of Hitler's hero Kurt Eisner, and provided the Zionists with the pogrom they were openly predicting. Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies) Roma were among the groups that the Nazi regime (19331945) and its partner regimes singled out for persecution and murder before and during World War II.

ben winetraub 6 000 000 holocaust

The Jews not only repeatedly stated that 6 million Jews were about to be exterminated in the period from 1900 to 1922, they believed this was a necessary step towards the conquest of Palestine from the Arabs and the ingathering of the Jews in Palestine.

Ben winetraub 6 000 000 holocaust